The Most Concise,
High-Yield Review Books

Created by PAs who aced their PANCE/PANRE

  • Every NCCPA topic covered
  • A treasure chest of custom teaching images
  • Perfect companion to the Rosh Qbank
  • Add your own notes

All 14 books in the PANCE/PANRE Rapid Review series

“Hands down this is the most incredible review book for PA school. As a visual learner, I love love love all of the images!”

– Nadya Tsytsyna, PA-C

Cardiovascular System

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Dermatologic System

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Ears, Eyes, Nose, & Throat

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Gastrointestinal System / Nutrition

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Genitourinary System

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Hematologic System

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Infectious Diseases

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Musculoskeletal System

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Neurologic System

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Endocrine System

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Psychiatry / Behavrioral Science

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Pulmonary System

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Renal System

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Reproductive System

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In this book, 
you will learn...

  • Simplified pathophysiology
  • Classic patient presentations
  • Key physical exam findings
  • Must know diagnostic studies
  • Preferred management plans
  • And much more…