How to Prepare for the ABOG Qualifying Exam in 2020 -

How to Prepare for the ABOG Qualifying Exam in 2020

May 13, 2020
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected board exams across many specialties, with some being postponed or canceled due to health concerns and testing center closures. Here is the pertinent information about the ABOG Qualifying (written) Exam and how to prepare for it during COVID-19.

When is the ABOG Qualifying Exam in 2020?

As of May 15, 2020, the Specialty Qualifying Exam and Subspecialty Exam have been rescheduled for July 16, 2020. Testing centers have enacted protocols in light of COVID-19.

Candidates have the option of taking the 2021 exam without an additional fee. For more information, see these ABOG COVID-19 updates.

How much time does the ABOG written exam take?

Approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes.

What kinds of questions are on the ABOG Qualifying Exam?

The exam consists of multiple-choice questions that cover approximately 30% obstetrics, 30% gynecology, 30% office practice and women’s health, and 10% cross content. The number of questions varies each year. See the ABOG Qualifying Exam blueprint for a list of topics within these areas.

What is the ABOG written exam pass rate?

In 2019, the total pass rate was 86% and the pass rate for first-time test takers was 91%.

What is the best way to study for the ABOG Qualifying Exam?

We’re a question bank company, so of course we think Qbanks are the best way to review for the written exam. They’re effective and, if you use the right one, it will cover all the topics you need to know.

One of our favorite study tips is to figure out your “unknown unknowns.” Simply put, this means you should determine what you don’t know. Here’s how to do this:

  • Answer a question from a Qbank
  • If you answer incorrectly, read the explanation
  • Take notes about why the correct answer is correct, and make sure to take notes on anything in the explanation that you didn’t already know

If you do this for every question you answer incorrectly, and if you regularly review your notes and add information to topics as you do more questions, you’ll eventually determine your unknown unknowns. In return, you’ll uncover most of your blind spots that questions on the board exam can ask about. 

For a more detailed explanation of this process (plus other tips), read our article about how to increase your OB/GYN Qualifying Exam score

Studying for your CREOG exam? Explore our study materials from Rosh Review!

Good luck!

By Lindsey Penezic, MD

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