Rapid Review: Pterygium - RoshReview.com

Rapid Review: Pterygium

October 5, 2017

Reviewed February 2024


  • History of excessive sunlight exposure
  • Reports something in the eye
  • PE will show triangular-shaped growth on the medial side
  • Management:
    • Symptom relief
    • Consider surgery for vision changes, refractory symptoms, aggressive growth

Sample question:

A 62-year-old man presents with symptoms of left eye irritation for the past 3 days. He is a landscaper and is often outside. Physical examination reveals a fleshy, triangular growth from the medial canthus toward the cornea.. He says that the growth has been there for months, but it has never irritated him until now. His visual axis is not affected. Which of the following would be the best initial treatment?

By Yehuda Wolf, MPA, PA-C

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