Posts with tag
The Rosh Review blog provides study and exam prep tips, podcasts, and more for physicians, NPs, PAs, residents, and students. Below you’ll find a list of the blog posts that highlight NP. Take a look and learn something new.
How Do You Choose the Right Nurse Practitioner Specialty?
Deciding to become a nurse practitioner may be one of the more significant decisions in your life. Your career options are diverse and there is no limit to the future need for your services. Still, you’ll have more milestone decisions to make on the path to your dream career. One of these decisions will be read more…
How to Increase Your Emergency Nurse Practitioner Certification Exam Score
This article is going to show two very easy ways to help increase your Emergency Nurse Practitioner Certification Exam Score by 100 points. If you are not familiar with the ENP Certification exam, please refer to this comprehensive post titled “What You Need to Know to Receive Your Emergency Nurse Practitioner Certification (ENP-C).”
While there is no magic pill or wand to significantly increase your exam score, these two techniques are the most useful, easy to implement and only requires a little of your time. This means anyone can take advantage of them. The first tactic is to use a system over a couple of months to identify what you don’t know. Sounds easy, right? The key is to go through a curriculum and identify what you don’t know – not what you are weak at – but what you don’t know. The second strategy is to take advantage of human error. Tests are written by humans, of course, and humans make errors. This article will show you 5 very easy techniques to narrow down an answer choice to either the correct answer or to a 50/50 probability – even without knowing anything about the topic. By combining these two strategies, you’ll be able to increase your Family Medicine certification score by 100 points – which could be the difference between passing or failing. Let’s get started.
Everything You Need to Know About Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Board Certification
There are two certification options. American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) is a board examination. Upon passing, the credentials awarded are FNP-C (C-denotes certified) 2,3 Questions: 150 questions (135 are scored; 15 are pretest and not scored) 2 Exam Breakdown Assessment (~36%) Diagnosis (~24%) Plan (~23%) Evaluation (~17%) Exam Breakdown by Patient Age: Prenatal (~3%) read more…
Everything You Need to Know to Become a Certified Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP-C)
In January 2017, the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board, also known as the AANPCB, in conjunction with the American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners, also known as the AAENP, launched the first of its kind emergency nurse practitioner (ENP) certification exam. Successful completion of the emergency nurse practitioner exam will earn you the emergency nurse practitioner certification or ENP-C.