Mock OB/GYN CREOG Exam Now Available |

Introducing the Mock CREOG Exam For OB/GYN Residents

November 27, 2018
With the 2019 CREOG Exam around the corner, now is the time to assess your strengths and weaknesses to focus your studying on areas that need the most attention. 

The Mock CREOG Exam is located in your Boost Box (located on the homepage of your desktop/laptop Rosh Review account). There are two sessions, just like the actual exam. Session 1 contains 166 questions and session 2 contains 167 question for a total of 333 questions. The content is derived from the CREOG Content Blueprint. 

Some last-minute valuable tips for your exam…
  • The hardest part of this exam is being able to answer the questions based on the “standard” rather than what you do in your clinic, hospital, or office. Don’t overthink.
  • Remember, there are no tricks
  • Go with your instincts on questions you are unsure of. Don’t talk yourself out of the answer your gut wants you to choose.
  • Pack the night before. Lay out comfortable clothes. Bring something warm (e.g., light sweatshirt) in case the room gets cold.
  • Go to bed early (read some fiction to keep your mind off the exam).
  • Wake up early (to avoid rushing) and drink a large glass (20+ oz) of water with a squeeze of lemon.
  • Get your heart rate up for 30 seconds (20 push-ups/burpees, brisk walk around the block, stretching/yoga).
  • Eat a breakfast composed of fats and proteins (e.g. eggs, bacon, avocado). Avoid carbohydrates and sugars, if possible.
  • Use the bathroom before you start the exam.
  • Once the exam starts, you are on the clock. So, before you click start, take a deep breath (or a few), and bring yourself into focus.
  • Answer every question, don’t leave any questions blank.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

–Theodore Roosevelt

The Rosh Review team

P.S. Try the Rosh Review OB/GYN CREOG Qbank for hundreds of more comprehensive questions.

Rosh Review is not sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated with, the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG) or the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

By Adam Rosh

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