Quiz for a Cause COVID-19 Update - RoshReview.com

Quiz for a Cause COVID-19 Update

May 7, 2020
Rosh Review’s free Quiz for a Cause COVID-19 module has been updated to reflect new knowledge about coronavirus (COVID-19). 

In addition, we’ve added 5 new questions.

The free Quiz for a Cause COVID-19 module now contains questions and explanations addressing the following topics:

  • Pediatric presentation and disposition
  • Proning
  • Thrombosis
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Risk factors and comorbidities
  • Virus incubation
  • Virology
  • Laboratory evaluation
  • Prevention
  • Imaging findings
  • Transmission
  • Treatments
  • Clearance
  • Disposition
  • Symptoms
  • Severity of disease

To access the free Quiz for a Cause COVID-19 module, either sign in or sign up for free with Rosh Review.

By Adam Rosh

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