What Is the Management for This Patient With Sickle Cell Anemia? - RoshReview.com

The Rosh Reveal: EPISODE 4

What Is the Management for This Patient With Sickle Cell Anemia?

January 27, 2019
Welcome to the next episode of The Reveal, where we take you inside the mind of a test taker to deconstruct and connect the dots of a board-style question so you can become a better student, transform how you learn, and excel not only on high-stakes exams but also in your general medical knowledge. Let’s get started.

An 8-year-old African American girl with a history of sickle cell anemia presents with diffuse pain consistent with an acute sickle cell pain crisis. While in the emergency department, she develops acute onset headache, right-sided facial droop, and right arm weakness. A CT scan confirms the diagnosis. Which of the following is the next best step in management?

A) Alteplase

B) Exchange transfusion

C) MRI brain

D) Tranexamic acid

Check out all of the episodes of “The Reveal” on the Rosh Review YouTube Channel.

By Adam Rosh

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