Updated Tool- What are the Odds of Passing Your PANCE/PANRE? - RoshReview.com

What Is the Likelihood of Passing Your PANCE or PANRE?

January 19, 2018
Over the last few years, we compiled real-world scores from thousands of individuals who took the PANCE and PANRE exams. Using this data to aid learners in self-assessment of their preparedness for the PANCE and PANRE exams, we developed a proprietary algorithm using a regression model and standard correction factor to convert your Rosh Review performance to a projected PANCE and PANRE exam performance and probability of passing the PANCE or PANRE.

score graph
score projection image

In the past, we applied an earlier version of the model to emergency physicians preparing for their recertification exam (ConCert™) and demonstrated a 98.8% accuracy in predicting that a user would pass their board exam. The mean difference between Rosh Review’s predicted score and the user’s actual score was 2.5 points (95% CI 1.4–3.6).

Find out your chances of passing the PANCE or PANRE with Rosh Review. Start with a free trial.

Interested in joining a live course for accelerated PANCE review? The 4-day Rosh Review PANCE/PANRE Review Course is now open for enrollment to help you pass the exam on the first take!

By Adam Rosh


Get a little more clarification

How should I study for the PANCE?
If you found a study routine that worked well during your rotation exams, stick with it! If you're still trying to find your optimal strategy, check out these resources:
Where can I find free PANCE or PANRE practice questions?
You can access free practice questions with a free trial for the PANCE or PANRE Qbank—no billing information required. The free trial includes practice questions that align with the blueprint and include comprehensive answer explanations and beautiful teaching images.

After practicing with these questions, if you decide you're ready for thousands of additional questions to help you confidently prep for the exam, you can easily upgrade to a full Qbank subscription.
How do I study for the PANRE when I work in a specialized field?
According to a 2004 study, PAs in specialized practice areas have similar PANRE pass rates. So regardless of your area of practice, your chances of passing a generalized exam like the PANRE are still high. Just make sure you closely review the PANRE Content Blueprint topics. For example, if you practice in dermatology, note that only 6% of the exam covers the dermatologic system. The five topics that make up 51% of the PANRE are cardiovascular (13%), GI (11%), pulmonary (10%), musculoskeletal (9%), and EENT (8%), so pay attention to the order of importance of these topics when you’re studying. And here's how you can use Rosh Review to target specific categories when you study.

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