Here's How Rosh Review QBank Analytics Benefit Residency Program Directors -

Here’s How Rosh Review QBank Analytics Benefit Residency Program Directors

August 16, 2017
Rosh Review launched a novel package of performance analytics in 2012 called “PD Dash” for use by residency, PA, and NP program directors to gain greater insight into practice question performance by their residents and students, to help identify knowledge gaps and trends, and to make performance predictions. We conducted a study (2014) aimed to identify the degree to which residency program directors used the novel PD Dash functionality and characterize their assessment of its utility and value.

Prior work in cognitive and educational psychology have demonstrated the effectiveness of practice testing as a study technique for physician board examination. Rosh Review is an online educational platform centered around a question bank of board-style multiple choice questions that is used by many resident physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners as part of their preparation for board certification.

Full abstract

While somewhat limited by the survey’s response rate, a large majority of responding program directors both used the PD Dash and found the data it provides to be useful and valuable. The fact that a large proportion of respondents plan to renew their subscriptions indicates that the PD Dash is a worthwhile addition to the Rosh Review question bank.

Future analyses will focus on the specifics of how performance data are used by program directors, the importance of PD Dash data in their educational decision-making, and outcomes-driven research to assess whether the use of Rosh Review and the PD Dash ultimately improve board examination performance.

By Adam Rosh

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